Are you working for a 'climate villain'?

It's been a big week of climate news. Here's a wrap-up of what's happening – in three minutes or less.

The WfC Editors
September 30, 2022
3 min read
A businessman buttoning up his blazer

We’re trying a new, streamlined format for this edition of WorkforClimate Weekly – a bite-sized wrap-up of what’s been going on in the world, plus some tips/hacks/actions you can take yourself.

This week, the ACCC cracks down on corporate greenwashing, the world’s biggest investment fund backs decarbonisation, and The Atlantic asks the big question: how can people work for ‘climate villains’?

Now, let’s dive into this week's news.

News wrap 🗞️

The world’s biggest sovereign wealth fund has just announced a new climate action plan, requiring all of the companies in its portfolio to decarbonise by 2050. Norwegian fund, Norges Bank Investment Management, sold off its remaining oil and gas shares in 2020. It also juggles about $1.2 trillion, so this is a huge deal for global climate investment.

Where does personal responsibility end? Are individuals accountable for their company’s actions? And how do lawyers for oil companies sleep at night? (Correct answer: on big piles of money). The Atlantic has published an interesting think piece this week about working for ‘climate villains’, and why each of us needs to draw our own ethical line.

A UN committee has found that Australia’s former Coalition government violated the human rights of Torres Strait Islanders by failing to tackle the climate crisis. This is a breakthrough case for Indigenous rights and environmentalism in general. The UN upheld the complaint from ‘Group of Eight’, and even said the claimants should be compensated.

New South Wales’ biggest power consumer, Tomago Aluminium, has announced it’s looking for renewable energy projects and storage suppliers, in a move that could rejuvenate the entire Hunter Valley region. "This is hands down the most significant indicator… that the shift to renewables to drive heavy industry is in full swing," said Hunter Jobs Alliance coordinator Warrick Jordan.

Amid growing concerns of corporate ‘greenwashing’, the ACCC has issued a stern warning: if you want to claim your product or services are environmentally friendly, you’d better be able to prove it. ACCC Deputy Chair Delia Rickard said the commission won’t hesitate to “take enforcement action where we see that consumers are being misled by green claims”.

Take action 🎬

Every week, we’re going to suggest a simple action you can take to help shift the climate needle. Today, it’s your company’s default super fund. Do you know where your company invests its money? Or what your superannuation currently pays for? Take our free Superannuation Pulse Check to get started.

Staff stories 🍓

What did the WorkforClimate team get up to this week? Well, our Head of Experience, Laure, saved three kilograms of imperfect strawberries from waste by turning them into jam. If anyone is running low on jam, hit us up – we've got plenty! It’s a timely reminder that ‘best before’ labels aren’t great for the planet, or your budget.

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